




勞工處表示,今年2月就發現金屯五金大量解僱勞工,約20多人, 13人向勞工處申訴,併申請調解,總計積欠約兩百萬元的工資和資遣費,勞工處表示,資方有表示,願意將分期給付、攤還這些費用。


Jintun Hardware, Fuxing Township, Changhua County, started out as gardening hardware. Recently, it was shocked that there was a bounce crisis. About 194 upstream manufacturers were owed nearly 400 million yuan in payment. They were about to skip their feet. They reported the case to the Changhua Investigation Station. They were dissatisfied with suspected damage. "Malignant bankruptcy", a self-help club is being organized to collect debts. Jintun Hardware has dismissed more than 20 employees. The chairman is in Vietnam, and only one female employee remains in the office. Vice President Xu Weijun said that it will be held in April. The creditor's rights meeting. Jintun Hardware was founded by Xu Jindun in 1974, transferred to Vietnam, the United States, and Germany for development, and obtained Vietnam’s approval for listing. The company has been succeeded by the second generation. The person in charge Xu Tingxin has lived in Vietnam for many years. The chairman of the Western Party Department and both generations of the Xu family are supporters of the DPP. After the turmoil broke out, Xu Weijun emphasized that he had already verbally asked to resign from the party in February. Business operations and political orientation are not related and do not want to be exaggerated. "People in Taiwan have a sincere solution." The upstream manufacturers pointed out that they were not able to receive the payment one after another, only to realize the situation of Jintun Hardware's capital and operation. On March 12, Jintun Hardware was listed as "Rejected Accounts" by Taiwan Clearing Exchange. Currently, 194 companies are known. , The amount owed was 388 million yuan. It was learned that Jintun Hardware had loaned 580 million yuan to many banks. The manufacturer was worried that Jintun Hardware might have maliciously closed down, so they jointly reported the case to the Changhua Investigation Station. The Labour Department stated that in February this year, it was discovered that Jintun Hardware had fired a large number of workers. About 20 people, 13 of them appealed to the Labour Department and applied for mediation. They owed a total of about two million yuan in wages and severance payments. The Labour Department said, The capital has expressed its willingness to pay and amortize these expenses in installments. The affected companies are all medium-sized companies, many of which have already been owed tens of millions of dollars in payment. The most feared is that the bank will draw money, that the raw material industry will no longer take orders, and even question that it is cheaper to buy raw materials in Vietnam and buy them in Taiwan. For spare parts, I am worried that "the debt will remain in Taiwan and the goods will remain in Vietnam."




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